NCDA blog article
In my role as World Sailing Regional Development Coordinator (RDC) manager I am responsible for training and managing all the...
NSSU Blog Post
The CD experience has been instrumental in shaping my ideas and practices over the past 6 months. It has taken me a good bit of time,...
Creativity and Innovation in Coaching
My wheels have been turning for several years on the difference between coaching “action” sports and “traditional” sports. Much of that...
I wanted to share with you two pieces of feedback I received while facilitating content I hadn’t facilitated before. It is very specific...
Been a Coaching Developer: between no experiences and strong beliefs
From where I speak? I’m professor at School of Applied Sciences of University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Brazil. In my country, since 1998,...
Working with Cognitive Coaches
Sports coaching is like everything else in life, always changing and evolving. To progress like everyone else, sport coaches are...
My challenge to Develop and promote coaches issues in Israel
On my background I was Physical Education Teacher, and Basket Ball coach and B.B coache's facilitator, I'm Master Degree in Physical...
Good questions and puzzle pieces
It's been amazing to see how interested and enthusiastic people are about the things that I brought to practice from the CDA program. In...
Coaching / Coach Developer activities
L-E-A-R-N-S The participation of the NCDA academy heightened my awareness between the multi-faceted roles of a Coach Developer which...
Cultural-Political Challenges of Coach Development in Southern Africa
So, I have been part of a team trying to support the creation of a sport coach development framework for southern Africa since 2011. The...